Merry Christmas!

December 26, 2016

Beware - Cheesy pic overload ahead!

Merry Christmas! I can't believe we are this close to 2017!
This year has flown by for us - we were on a little roller coaster for the first half and rushing to get ourselves together for this adventure the second half! So far we have had SO much fun and also a few rough patches. We left home right after our birthdays and right before the holidays really got underway. It made the most sense to leave when we did but it did make both of us really miss our usual holiday traditions! We have had fun improvising this year but I was missing a bit of the nostalgia that comes with holidays at home - which is why I forced Blake into a sweater and real pants in 80 degree weather and asked him to pretend that he wasn't super uncomfortable.

I really wanted to have some new good pictures from this year - not that we don't have a lot from our trip so far but you know what I mean! Truthfully  - we were at a tree farm in a Von's parking lot, the dogs were hating every second of it and Blake was being the best trying to help me achieve the vision I had in my head of this. Because we were working with a tripod and self timer - they are a little posier that I would have liked - BUT - I still love them!

We didn't do gifts for each other this year because we have been traveling and neither of us really need anything. So instead we thought it would be fun to go explore Austin and then take ourselves out to a nice dinner! The plan would have gone more smoothly if we had done a little research first but we ended up going to a 24 hour diner that was just down the street and it was amazing! Our little non traditional Christmas was awesome and even though we missed everyone it's fun to do your own thing every once in a while.

So - Merry Christmas from us! We hope that this new year brings lots of you to us!
Meet us somewhere! Seriously!

- Brit 

Our First Vlog!

Hey Everyone!

We have found ourselves with a little more free time lately and that gave me time to get clips together for our first video! I was hoping to do these for every week but with the pace of our trip being so varied for this first bit I found it a little difficult to break it up into weeks. We packed a lot into this video but I wanted to show a little bit of everything - especially our favorites. I hope you like it!

More to come!

- Brit

Lake Powell + Slot Canyons

December 22, 2016

Lake Powell, AZ 86040, USA

When we were in Flagstaff we were still really unsure of what we were going to do with the few weeks in between leaving there and meeting up with my parents after Christmas. Blake started talking to my Uncle about all of the cool things there are to do in Arizona and the next thing you know - we have 3 maps, and two laptops out - researching routes and ways that we could squeeze it all in. 
We decided on heading to Page to see Lake Powell and do the slot canyon tours. We saw one photo of Antelope Canyon and we were both sold! 

We got into Lake Powell pretty late the first night and went across the Utah border to the Lone Rock Beach campground. It's an amazing view! We had to have internet for the other days that week so we headed back into town to the main campground with hookups and everything. It was really nice to have electricity but I could tell Blake really wanted to go back to Lone Rock, and because I'm really, really, really nice - we did. 

Blake was driving down the beach to the spot that we had successfully made it down to a few nights before, when we got a little stuck. Then he panicked and hit the gas and we got really stuck. 
It was beautiful out and the puppies had the whole beach basically to themselves so I didn't really care if we were there a while - but there was a camper a little ways down the beach and Blake walked over to see if they have a shovel. They did -  and it turned out to be another full time family! 

Zack Rackovanz, his wife Ashley, and their two kids were so fun to be around and we ended up spending a lot of our time in Lake Powell with them. They have a blog as well and you can find more about their journey <here>. Zack helped us gain a little confidence with the drone, showed me how to properly use my fancy camera, and gave us so many tips on full time RVing. Their kids were hilarious and it was really nice to be around a family after being alone for a few days. Meeting them was a highlight of our trip so far and I'm sure we'll see them again on this trip!

One morning we packed up and went to see Horseshoe Bend - a pretty popular view point a major tourist attraction. We spent a few hours up there hiking around on the rocks and taking pics.  Afterwards we went back to the beach and broke out the paddle boards! We went about a mile out into the lake and our goal was go around the rock and back. For some reason I got really scared once I got to the rock but Blake kept going to it made for some pretty cool drone footage. Back at the beach Blake took the Rackovanz girls out on their first paddle board rides.

Our last day we did Antelope Canyon. It is honestly one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. We were on a small tour with just one other couple and our tour guide and I'm so, so, so happy that we went in the off season when it wasn't crowded. Our guide was so nice and knowledgable and since it wasn't too busy she really took the time to help us take the best photos. She told us that a few years ago Window's came out to shoot and the spot we were in had become one of the backgrounds for Windows 7. I loved every second of it and I'm so glad we went!

Thanks Aunt Tara and Uncle Dean for the recommendations!

Next up - Texas!

Grand Canyon + The End of Family Time

December 17, 2016

Grand Canyon Village, AZ 86023, USA

Well - these posts are coming together much more slowly than I anticipated. I thought I would be a blogging machine since I don't have a job and I have a ton of free time... I'm blaming it on the fact that we have been with family for the past few weeks and before that we were with friends. In reality I'm just a little bit lazier than I wish I was.

Anyway! One of the days that we spent with my Aunt in Flagstaff we got out and went to the Grand Canyon. The South Rim was only about about 75 miles away and we decided to make it a day trip. I kind of wish we had spent multiple days there or at least an overnight to see the sun come up and go down. Those are supposed to be the most beautiful times of day in the canyon. 

I feel like when you get there you are either instantly blown away or unimpressed. During the middle of the afternoon the rocks in the canyon looks a little washed out and everything sort of blends together in a beige, rockish haze. It's still amazing if you think about the time it took and the vastness of it but truthfully if you see one angle you kind of feel like you've seen them all... I have admitted in the past though that I'm not a desert buff so the magic - once again - may have been lost on me. BUT as soon as the sun started to set it was a whole new world.

It is absolutely gorgeous at sunset! Every corner we turned I made Blake stop so we could take another photo. Honestly no picture can do it justice. It's too amazing and too beautiful. 

There are a lot of hikes that you can do that  take you further down in the canyon. We intended on doing one but found out that we needed crampons. It had snowed a day or so prior and most of the trails were pretty icy so we opted for the South Rim Trail. It was a 5 mile round trip from the visitors center to the lodge and back but it was really nice and we still got to see some really awesome views.

We have made a list of things we want to revisit when our trip is over and  going back to the Grand Canyon to do some serious hiking is near the top! We are for sure going back to the 13 mile hike to Havasupi Falls and we would both love to do the rim to rim hike! I think that one might take more wilderness experience that I currently have but I would still try!

If you ever get a chance to go its definitely worth it. Like I said - try to hit sunrise or sunset but either way its amazing. And if you end up thinking it was just a big hole in the ground then at least it's one more new place you've been!

Happy weekend everyone!

Scottsdale + Flagstaff + Sedona

December 06, 2016

I truly can't believe that it's December. It really blows my mind - plus it means that we have been gone for 6 weeks! 6 weeks! One thing I can say for certain is that we have been so spoiled since we left. I think we're in for a real shock these next few weeks when we don't have a nice cozy house to look forward to crashing in. It's just us, the pups and the RV! At least until Christmas.

When we left Joshua Tree - we planned for it to take us a few days to get to Phoenix. It turns out that there isn't really anything to see. We passed a tank museum and a cool ridge that would have made for a pretty hike, but that was about it. We ended up heading straight to my Popo's house and got really comfy for about a week. It was Thanksgiving so we got to spend time with my whole family. My parents even flew out which was so nice of them! I was getting a little homesick before we arrived there so it couldn't have been better timing. We went to the breweries, played games and I ate my weight in chocolate chips.

From there we headed North to Flagstaff where my Aunt, Uncle and two of my cousins live.  I had been there once when I was in high school but it was such a cool place! There is so much to do. They live just a few miles from a ski resort, tons of hiking and jeeping trails and lakes. My Aunt showed us some nice open places to let the dogs run in the woods and then took us to Sedona for a hike too.

It had just snowed the day we got there and so even though it was warm in the canyon where we were hiking there were still some shaddowy spots that had snow on them and they were so beautiful. The rocks here reminded me of Zion and I loved it. I think I took 20 pictures of the same rock face. The hike we did is called Devil's Bridge and I would definitely recommend it. It was fairly populated even for the off season so I bet its busy most of the year - but it's pretty short so it's worth it for sure.

We spent the rest of the week just kind of absorbing the last of our time with family for a while. These first few weeks spending time with everyone has been so awesome and I'm glad we got to do it but now we're moving on! We're in lake Powell now but I have some cool stuff to show you from the Grand Canyon too so keep an eye out!

Happy Wednesday! 

Joshua Tree + Extreme Wind

November 29, 2016

Joshua Tree National Park, California, USA

Hey There! 
We finally packed our bags and left bright, colorful, happy San Diego and headed into the desert wasteland that is inland California. I'm kidding! Sort of... it is pretty beige back there. 
I think that since we are used to Colorado mountains - the lack of trees is a little shocking. Anyway! We made the trek to Joshua Tree which was about three hours. We were both coming down from almost two weeks with friends and a full house again so it felt a little sad actually, but nice to get back into the swing of things at the same time. 

We pulled into town just as the Super Moon was coming up and myyyyy, my, my was it pretty! I was on the phone with my friend Allie - and Blake and I both yelled "whoa!" as soon as we saw it. It was gigantic and orange and so beautiful. We followed the road into the campground just staring at the moon. By the time we got there it was a little higher and less bright but it lit up the whole area and there were a lot of other campers out and some people with pretty impressive camera set ups so I'm sure there were some really amazing photos taken.  

Since the time changed the sun set so early that night and it was already dark by the time we were  looking for a parking spot. Blake got a little frustrated and pulled into a spot without really thinking about it and then when we realized we needed to turn around he scrapped the whole side of the van on a giant yuca plant... (insert teeth clenched emoji) also - sorry to the yuca. We have learned that desert plants are veerry fragile and people are very sensitive about them.. 
We found a great spot though and posted up for a few days. Joshua Tree is a little less accommodating for pets than Zion was. It makes sense because its too hot for them the majority of the year but it made it a little harder for us to do what we would have wanted to inside the park. The Ranger showed us a cool little hike that we were able to take them on but its was only about .75 of a mile so they were a little restless but we made it work. We also took the drone out again to try and get some cool footage. You can tell by how i said try that it didn't work. Blake hiked up this trail with it and got it all put together before remembering that he had changed the password but didn't know what he changed it to... *rolls eyes*. Oh well, we'll get it in the air soon!! I'm so excited to start using it!  

Moving on! If I'm being honest - I wasn't too impressed the first two days in Joshua Tree. Like I said - it just seemed like a pretty boring desert with some wonky trees here and there. I had read a lot about the park in the weeks prior to going a lot of them wrote a lot about the "hidden magic in the desert" and I just wasn't seeing it.  
The third day we got up and headed into the park in the early afternoon. It wasn't too busy which was nice and once we got about 5 miles inside I started to see some of the beauty. The rock formations look like they can't possibly have gotten there on their own. Blake and I just kept coming back to it until he finally looked it up. Turns out that we aren't the only curious ones because it tells you about it right there on the visitors map. I won't bore you in case you aren't into rocks but it's super cool and you can read about it <here>

We got out a few times and checked out some rock climbers and some of the prettier hike spots. Since we had the dogs we had to be choosy but I feel like we saw the highlights. For people who like rock climbing or biking I think Joshua Tree would be an awesome experience. I really enjoyed our final day there have an appreciation for it but I doubt that it will hit my list of top 5 National Parks.

On our last night there we stayed just outside the park on the South Side. They actually have some really nice BLM camping right outside the main entrance and honestly I wouldn't bother trying to camp inside the park if any of those spots are open. They're free and you have cell service! If you guys are planning to go I would say leave puppies at home for this one do as many trails as you can. The hikes are all relatively short and you can camp pretty easily in some of the dry sites inside for about $10 a night if you don't want to leave. 

We hope you guys are liking the photos and if the video won't load for you, you can find the original here. 

Happy Monday!
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